It’s tough to be a junior guy in VC

That’s my exact line that I start off with when I’m asked for advice by guys/gals looking to get into venture capital.  It’s a very common to see junior VCs start off with this sort of warning.

Rob writes an overall good article but I would’ve been more blunt and said flat out that there is no career path here for junior guys.  Sure, there are 1-2 guys that get through but let’s not call that a “path”.

If you’re extremely lucky or skilled, you’ll make it through to the other side but I would say that that’s extremely unlikely.  Associate roles are really dead end paths so if you are really committed to taking on a junior role in venture, just make sure your expectations and plan a few years out.  Of course, that is, unless you have a really strong answer for why a firm should give you a meaningful share of their pie.

So You Want to be a VC? « ROBGO.ORG.