Twitter Partners With Datalogix To Track When Tweets Lead To Offline Sales

When FB partnered with Datalogix, everyone thought it was for targeting.  I always said it was for ROI on the backend to track how campaigns drove offline activity.

Datalogix is getting really influential in this space… they’ve not partnered with Twitter.  This should make it clear what Facebook is trying to do with Datalogix.  Also, pat on the back for me for calling this right:

The basic goal of the program is to tell Twitter advertisers whether their campaigns actually drove consumers into stores to buy their products. That’s something Datalogix is already working on with companies like Facebook, and Ameet Ranadive, who leads the revenue product team at Twitter, told me that Twitter is employing a similar process as other social networks for tracking those purchases.

via Twitter Partners With Datalogix To Track When Tweets Lead To Offline Sales | TechCrunch.

Note, I’ve sold media products where brands demanded this offline ROI component.  There’s a lot more growth in this area.